Sunflower 06/03/2024 (Mon) 22:27 Id: 6b0485 No.7969 del
It also seems they hate the new sun(s) because they think it's "saturnian". Contrary to popular belief, Saturn was an organic sun, but summoned by Earth native reptilians with the aid of some aliens (still present, they appear like reptilians but black scales instead of green). Because of this all non-reptilians are actually against the illuminati (name taken because of their ability to summon a real organic sun god - Saturn) and there was extensive infiltration of the organization. Same with CIA. The UK elites being reptilians didn't make them the good guys either, they were the "elite scum" of the reptilians and the reason humans hated them in the first place. Sure if they eat humans it isn't cannibalism because it's a different race, but they're still evil beyond all boundaries. Their main enemy would still appear to be the zionists, who are an actual human faction.

Pretty good fucking set up, just pick a side, are you for the zionist human faction or the degenerate royal reptile faction? No third candidate if you live in the west.