Sunflower 06/04/2024 (Tue) 21:33 Id: ff2e11 No.7972 del
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>You have to get in touch with your own "death element". well, what i recall was getting into a swordfight with someone, another girl i believe. my sisters were watching us fight. the fight scenes were reminiscent of the ryuko vs satsuki fights from kill la kill. we were both just sparring and slashing at each other, seeing a lot of bodies fly around but essentially sweeping them off like a person dusts the dirt from their clothes when they get dirty. after we both had our fill, i remember sitting on throne(?) when my sisters called the girl and i (obviously i was in my actual, female form this entire event). But what i felt was... nothing when i noticed all 4 of us were atop so many corpses. like we just accepted them as debris and somewhat found it unfortunate but at the same time we just didnt think much of it, i guess it was "the conseuqences of battle can't be hleped" sort of thing

>Sitting atop the corpses. What do you feel? Did you make those corpses do you think you can be one of the corpses or maybe are one already? Or are you above those corpses? Are you truly willing to rise above them?
to answer your question; in spite of the initial feeling after all was said and done and when my sisters called the both of back home... i dont know how to say this without sounding egotstical or full of myself but.. it already felt like i was above them however i am truly willing to rise above them if that wasnt the case to be with my sisters and more importantly: for myself