Sunflower 06/06/2024 (Thu) 11:13 Id: 1424ad No.7985 del
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It seems I was right in activating that hex on the EU. They had another pink octopus alien trapped and was stealing its energy. After the EU energy system was weakened, I saw it down below, at first I felt there may be one, but didn't see it. I released it and it went back home to get some friends to take back the stolen energy. I saw them flay and eat EU elites alive.

These aliens are highly intelligent and compared to these EU scum they're higher life forms, treating them like this is horrible. If you just ask nicely they will share their technology and DNA with you. That's how I've done it every time I freed one. I replaced the evil's system with one based on the same alien technology, but my own version of it derived from what they gave me, out of their own will after I freed them.

Asking the touhou girl with the blue dress where these scum are still hiding, she said "in the canvas" (3D planes). So they are like lice hiding in the bedcover. That's why these cleansings take such time.

So far I didn't target NATO directly because the organization itself represents a legit structure, but I guess it was time now, considering how they have behaved. Universal structures won't be harmed from removing the shadow which imitates them.

They were surprisingly weak. The first line of them were so timid I didn't first understand it was an attack, they sent some dreams about seeing butterfly mines on the road and touching them, but they didn't explode. The scene repeated like a broken record over and over which exposed them for being unnatural.

After wiping those out they activated some large system tied into the 5 eyes, which also was surprisingly weak. Maybe this would have had some effect as a "iron tip" on a larger system, but alone this was nothing. At most they would be able to create some public panic to make people enlist for their armies in the style of mass hysteria during Covid, but as for real attacks, they didn't have the capacity.

"Gloves aren't off" Pff
Edited last time by bard on 06/06/2024 (Thu) 11:16.