Sunflower 06/09/2024 (Sun) 14:27 Id: 1424ad No.8002 del
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I just found my awareness shifted to the form I know I've used in the past between incarnations, when possessing people as a way to learn skills and steer society in a preferred direction. This means my physical incarnation is literally over, and the body on the surface is the one owned by the Genso-cat sent to me.

When looking for ways to use the device I created to shape some part of myself to fit into a specific incarnation path, I found some small openings in limited times in the new earth which I was able to use. But they are only within the scope of its existence, so starting in 2009 and ending now. It seems most timelines are like this, and these people will not remain even if someone incarnates in that timeline, they're just meant to end because WW3, and are to be NPC:d at once when no one has direct use for them.

When searching again with Kit I found a witch timeline in Siberia which looked decent, and sent a corresponding part of myself there. It seems this was the only "future lifetime" available which will not be cancelled anytime soon, so the maintenance deities seem to have registered it as my main incarnation now, and I am here in a state of projection and possession.

It matches what I knew was necessary for future stay, I just didn't think it would be like this in specific.

Seeing how most people around me who were involved here since "the hilltop" server was started and later became "the secret test server" and evolved into Sunflower, have now left and are replaced by new cat-souls from Gensokyo or some other soul, this development isn't strange. Just unexpected in a technical aspect.