Sunflower 06/09/2024 (Sun) 14:34 Id: 1424ad No.8003 del
Things I did in this state of possession in the past involves possession of a Chinese artist, a certain Japanese woodcut print artist, a French artist and some other people like an architect. Whenever I looked back at the memories, and also the memories of seeing the environment I later came to live in in this life, it was always with an air of something red, a red dress and a fairy-like appearance flying or resting somewhere near or above the head of the person.

One time I was also "the boxing policeman" who made a mess out of organized crime and drug trade in the 1600s, but was eventually framed by the police themselves because as a policeman you are to protect your employer, not follow the law. It turned out the mayor of the city was the organizer of the drug trade, and I ended up trying to take on the lot of them alone. The effect of this was a change of legal concept which still lasts in some areas (provoking a crime, so called "thief taking" isn't allowed, after I set them up and fond that the drug lord was the mayor, the employer of the police).