Sunflower 06/13/2024 (Thu) 12:32 Id: 9387e9 No.8030 del
Most of the readers won't be able to use these, but I'll mention them for those that can, from my personal log:


New factory: Total transformation.
Module: Loli karma-> virtue -> gong transformer.
(note: for most, this one is more likely to look like a fox)


Total transformation module: Jester golem. (note: street thug order-keeper, a personal guard)


Total transformation module: Legal golem. (note: police, judge and executioner all in one, also does regular legal work, was meant to be ordinary but again it turned into a fox for most who created one)

Uptown IQ Golem. (note: for creating "retarded intelligence" of the kind which is hard to come by, and may give someone unusual abilities of prediction)

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