Sunflower 06/14/2024 (Fri) 23:43 Id: 9387e9 No.8038 del
Another original human was trapped in this mess, but this one is a vampire who was "turned to dust" when Jupiter first rose to the sky. What really happened was that the timelines changed significantly and the ghostly poltergeist form of the vampire was pushed aside and turned into a hive of particles which kept trying to re-form itself, but being unable to because the original timeline and context couldn't be replicated and the new situation was blocked and held in place by karma.

This only happened after the last of the "elites" had been thrown down in Gehenna, it appears some of these scum had been around since period 2 of the Earth, constantly tricking fate by throwing someone else on the fire. Even at the last moment they were unable to change. They seem to be people who never once questioned a single thought in their head, no matter what it was, and instead just acted on it. When faced with the consequences of having filled themselves completely with negative energy down to the last particle of their being, all they could say was
"But that would mean I was... wrong. No, I couldn't be wrong."

After this last failure to show any remorse at all, they were thrown down into the long cleansing process of having to dissolve every single thought they had passed through their heads and acted on, along with all karmic consequences of doing so.