Sunflower 06/22/2024 (Sat) 20:34 Id: 4e42dd No.8096 del
Since the Earth cleanse event, I've had the strangest dreams every night. Long winding dreams in mostly black and white about nothing. Lots of stuff in them but they aren't about anything substantial. Seeing different environments like messy rooms connecting to other rooms, corridors and home offices with just lots of stuff in them. Last night it was more feverish than before, with some strange mentioning of CDs with some tv-series on them where the episodes had to be watched in a specific order, ep 29 was actually 32 and they had to be re-watched from 25 - 39 or 15 - 40 to make sense...
There was some sort of backwards logic in it which told about how to understand past events, but I only abstractly understood what it was about.