Sunflower 06/23/2024 (Sun) 16:46 Id: 4e42dd No.8101 del
Some of the physical glowies and what else who were separated from the physical also still believe they are incarnated, but they were moved to a dimension which is now "astral" compared to us in here.

They are still doing horrible things, trying to create WW3 to protect their overlords. From what was revealed to me in the past week, these beings are all mentally structured such that they think they need to be traumatized to function.

They all have some weakness which they can't get rid of. This weakness must be concealed, then aimed outwards onto someone else in a covert way, so as to not reveal what the weakness is. They do this by prying into other's lives to find a weakness in someone else, then attacking them over that perceived weakness. They then project their own weakness as "attacking immorality" when aimed at the other person, so that the onlooker can be confused to believe that they have no weakness, and that their victim had the weakness instead.