Sunflower 06/23/2024 (Sun) 16:50 Id: 4e42dd No.8102 del
They then, to obfuscate their own weakness as a group, create rituals which serve to collectively abuse their personal weakness, which "hides" it in a social setting. That way, it seems if everyone is the same, that they don't really have a weakness. They think the collectivized trauma is then necessary for "unity". This can be anything, but public school or military service is one such traumatizing ritual, meant to make the weak individuals adopt a standardized form for their weakness, which means they are now "forced" to conceal their weakness by protected the ritual. In this case, it can be that they need to protect indoctrination passed to them, or their nation, which now serves as the shell where-in their weakness is hidden inside the collective trauma. Then they use propaganda narratives to project the weakness onto external "enemies".