Sunflower 06/25/2024 (Tue) 18:02 Id: 0b30da No.8126 del
I don't quite understand your symbolism here, even if it's correct to view the post-Atlantis world as a house infested by parasites.

>Personally I just don't think parasites are anything special. Even if their hosts happen to be slow at removing them.

Channelled reply:

Parasites are very special, have you seen what insects look like? They are all very specialized in their function, there are even parasites who live specifically in certain kinds of dung, or only in the blood stream of one kind of animal. Birds being predators are also a kind of parasite, and their offspring living on is dependent on the hatching of certain small insects at the right interval, year after year, as those are the specialized food for the fledgling birds.
To re-iterate, you are living on a large mega sigil which is made up of the formation of the land masses. This sigil was formed by the maintenance deities as they were cleaning up after the fall of the Tower of Babel, which also caused the Earth to crack, the original continent of Pangea was destroyed. The only containing force was the presence of the black queens, so their energy system became the framework for stabilizing the world form as the degenerative force was about to completely destroy the Earth.
The vampires you know of are all white in appearance, but in fact they are all "slavic" or "asian", the pleiadan derivatives are already tuned to be angels if evolving so they cannot also be vampires in the physical, these are at the opposite ends of the same scale. There are also no black vampires, as they become the black queen race when evolving, men will not remain black when evolved, they will have to turn white. There was only ever one demon queen as compared to several of the black, silver and white queens, this made vampires a rare occurrence, they are all demon queen derivates in race, which means an orc lord created a female, and this female invaded Earth. That's the order of events. It's complicated and did not make much of an impact on the energy system's function directly, but because vampires are also immortals, they needed to be protected, and the best protection is simply to let the strongest energy system be used: the black queen system. So that was used. You rely on it, because you live in the world which has this layout. Anything you do will lead to interacting with the world, and then you are feeding energy into the mega sigil. If you do not accept this system, then you should not remain on the planet surface in this age, but wait until the land masses change layout.
Edited last time by bard on 06/25/2024 (Tue) 18:03.