Sunflower 06/25/2024 (Tue) 21:32 Id: bcb140 No.8131 del
I think it was 2 days ago? I had a dream. It was about a black woman in a desert with buildings that looked like saloons in westerns but they weren't that but my mind was unable to memorize it further. The point was that it was mostly wooden structure. The black female was walking in that desert and she was called a nigger an extremely dumb nigger by beings "higher" than her like spirits in an another dimension commenting on her failure. Her incompetence was so obvious that even I felt that I am being filled with pure rage because yes that is a typical dumb nigger and you cannot expect more of these beings even tho everyone expected more of her but a nigger is a nigger.
After waking up was wondering that JUST WHAT KIND OF RACIST MINDWAVE I CONNECTED TO that resonated with my own racism so much it made my entire body tense in rage while sleeping thus almost taking me out of the dream as a panic reaction. Was thinking about the word nigger for 2 days to figure out the depth of this weird feeling of racism... so it seems I ascended to the levels of spiritual racism. hurrah?

>the influence of these queens was so great that the tantric energy system of their races was used to shape the formation of the land masses themselves
What I gathered in the last years that Africa lost it's "continent deity" and it would have broken apart if the OG Africans are not "Planted" there asap. They cannot be killed because at least a 100 pure african is NECESSARY until the continent deity is "resurrected" or at least somewhat replaced. Every other nigger is an "excess" but you must be sure to never ever accidentally kill the "pure ones" and make them go below the necessary number or weird shit happens. India while being a "separate continent" in the long past b4 smashing into Eurasia also had the "untouchables" for the same reason and they were "kept" that way or the continent shatters and kills all their inhabitants. The Brahmans knew this well while invading that place with the Indra gang.

>white slavs are created by a white male orc lord
I cannot confirm nor deny this but "whites" are messy as hell. I have slav DNA for sure but for some reason I had to "awaken my Saxon DNA" with that galactic ritual and I have no idea what is and isn't a Saxon anymore. Anglos are troglodytes but I am not sure what even the proper attributes of a Saxon.

Yokai is part of the Eurasian energy system but they can only operate the lower levels for "cleanup duty" as you described with the genetic culling well but the higher levels are... Hard to explain.

I had a hunch that the elites are trying to ship niggers everywhere to "reignite" the lower tantric energies of the dwindling degenerating (due of overcomfort) populace but... the "elites" are not this "smart". They are doing this by pure nefarious reason and the only "good thing" they do with it is mere "accident".

Continental deities are weird and Atlantis is also weird for me. It's like I was on an another plane of existence while Atlantis was "ruling" and as dimensional layers collapsed I ended up here.