Sunflower 06/25/2024 (Tue) 22:17 Id: bcb140 No.8137 del
>I can feel my perception of geology and geomancy is too meager because I am missing an important piece that would tie the proper understanding together.
>it was the Sea
k so the answer lie in the truth of the Oceans. The "Landmass" is merely a structure that holds the "skies"?

I was aware how "life" strengthens the atmosphere/biosphere but the atmosphere is a requirement for "life" at the start so life was "not that important" in the chain of events.
K I will ponder upon this autism further. Ever since I know how earth has way too many interdimensional layers all my geography knowledge went into the trash because it is everything but a reliable knowledge as I connect to different layers.

>hate for blacks is in the human collective subconscious
It's quite complicated but "blacks" are "lower than animals" because of their function is "that important" energetically while animals also should serve as an energy circulators in the ecosystem they don't "uphold" continents. If you hate niggers you leave alone niggers you don't befriend nigers you don't racemix with niggers therefore you leave them alone you tell them to GO BACK TO AFRICA and let them "stay pure" and fulfill their purpose.

What elites do? They pump a bunch of products/food there use them for petty wars for resources and land theft then sex tourists even go there because they are considered as "gods" by these blacks thus fucking up their ecosystem and purity. Now they have to "get rid of the impure niggers somehow"

The funniest part is that the "elites" think that karma is "transferable" especially "lower elites" so if they kill a human and feed 100 africans they are "good" but they never ever put into calculation how much people they exploit and how much unnecessary suffering they cause with their idiotic money laundering games. Not to mention the karma for murder and the "virtue" for feeding the hungry in a way you create a dependent population does not count at all.Overfeeding Africa and fucking with the ecosystem just fucks with things in all directions. IF you feed a person that creates 10 starving children and when they go to you for further food and the only reason they have that many starving children is you then you are unable to provide further and they die because of it then guess the level karmic madness they just created.

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