Sunflower 06/25/2024 (Tue) 22:46 Id: 0b30da No.8144 del
The Templars are the original and only successful white fungus. The CHUDs are still in progress. The templars are said to have gone into the underworld to fight demons in hell. This has a literal meaning, they went kilometers down to mercy-kill the feral illuminati slaves which had been left down there since period 4 of the ages of man (current is 7). These slaves are the source of oil, it's not dinosaurs. It's been continually produced down there by the rotting bodies of (last time they were counted) 36 million feral humans all eating their own dead and leaving bits to ferment for millennia.

So our technology and all devices today which are made from oil (plastic) are actually made from dead illuminati slaves, and our cars and factories are run by burning them as fuel. You think you don't have any blame in this? Everyone has, they benefit from it. This is the reason the "elites" think they can do anything to the population, because everyone is part of the surface society which uses literal human slaves to produce common goods and for fuel to sustain themselves. So they think by "letting us" use this technology there is no difference between us and them, everyone on the surface is an abuser, but the elites are "true to themselves" about it, while the surface dweller "cattle" in their eyes are denying it to themselves, which makes them the worse sinner who doesn't even want to think about what they do.