Sunflower 06/25/2024 (Tue) 23:14 Id: 0b30da No.8147 del
The Queen was being vague about it, as often to avoid ruining enlightenment processes. But I then saw someone wanted to drill for oil in a protected nature area in Africa so I said fuck no, there'll be none of that. So I had Astra investigate the oil in that area and then put it up for sale on the federation marketplace as "oil for extraction, teleportation only".

Someone took the offer and made their own investigation of the quality, after which they said
>This is crude oil, but that's ok, we'll pay [slightly lower price]
and he showed me the images they took of how the oil contained skulls and bones of dead humans deep below the surface. They said "it's no problem, it's just an extra mechanical process to grind the oil and it can be used in factories for base production."

So that's how I finally had it confirmed, that the oil and the problems with emissions does come from using illuminati slaves as fuel.