Sunflower 06/28/2024 (Fri) 19:26 Id: 8cc9b4 No.8166 del
(908.39 KB 798x738 world system.png)
So some tards attacked again, and this time I used Kit to trace them around the edges while surrounding them using the fairy shields to contain them until I had the entire structure mapped in full.

See sketch.

It's a multi-layered system where they used "induction" to communicate, so that any lower level of the organization doesn't know that there exists something above them. This means here that the top of the structure looks like nothing to them, and this set up has a main leader who uses an organizational structure where again every unit is their own cell which only receives orders to carry out. They do not receive feedback on their performance and every cell acts "blindly". Rather a different cell outside of each of the operative units perform a surveillance function and report what they see back to the leader, again through a structure where each cell only get an order which they pass on, they do not know who sends the orders or if they do a good job or not. If a cell does not perform according to goals, they are just disbanded with no one being told why.

The cattle are the general population. They are subjected to manipulation by teams nearest to them, which receive orders through the system described above. The cattle will respond to the changes in their environment without knowing they are manipulated. Then their unknowing production is harvested by the leader. The system is adjusted by the leader through this circular set up where no one monitors themselves and no one knows if they are doing the their job well. Instead the leader will just adjust performance by giving orders to disband units that do not produce.

The system obfuscates who is the leader, by having many fake leaders and copies of the system which may not produce anything, or which are working against the system to further confuse anyone trying to map it. So anyone fighting the control system, will face individual working cells who each do not know anything, and if mapping all of them a fake leader will be found.