Sunflower 06/28/2024 (Fri) 22:02 Id: 562d4e No.8171 del [Embed]

This was interesting to see. Check in the beginning few min and everyone behind Trump in view here is a converted reptilian. They all have the image of black scales, some of them even have a green glow emanating from them, but the racial egregoral field is not there, it's coming from themselves, meaning it's their own ability rather than a collective field. Look deeper and the black cat layer is present. Before the cleanse all Earth reptilians had green glowing scales if you looked at their real form. That element is now gone.

I wonder how they interpret this, considering they were thinking the world is ending when they saw people being zombiefied (reptilians are aware of the NPC situation because they naturally read energy when just looking at things).

Those seen here look genuinely happy at least.