Sunflower 06/29/2024 (Sat) 12:19 Id: 8cc9b4 No.8176 del
When using this, I was attacked by some beings who appeared like white bald guys with black runes on their bodies. I told them to surrender or else, they didn't comply so I used the function of this new Raid to drive them into a funnel where they have to focus with increasing intensity on the karmic consequence of their actions until they are completely isolated alone with their own terror if they refuse to stop their hostilities. They didn't stop and more and more of them were isolated and pressed into a single point. Then at one point a being appeared who assumed the form of the Raid, thanked me and said they had fallen asleep and was attacked by nightmares. Those were the things appearing as the bald guys with runes on them. When those were destroyed, the being woke up again.