Sunflower 06/29/2024 (Sat) 23:26 Id: 3fc475 No.8191 del
It like though I cleared out the group which attacked me at the time, when I went back to /x/ now there is still a group trying to impose a suppression ray on me again. There is a large empty dimension where the previous group of attackers were hiding, it feels like it's to the down-right of my view, the remaining ones are more to the upper left and end left side and weaker than those. They appear to have activated now that the first group was destroyed. It's enough to load /x/ catalog and look at it a bit and they will start, then the drow Raid will respond and start slaughtering them on auto and they will start focusing more energy and even if I leave the page they will not stop because they're stupid and stubborn like that, so now I have them in a firm grip and will destroy them to the last homosexual. From the first group only a handful ended up surrendering, the Drow Raid captured 2 lolis and a storage of gold bars, the surrendered ones were given a magic collar which forces them to repay their debts, then they are free to leave. This is why it's good to have a ship, so you can store any loot on it while Raiding.