Sunflower 07/01/2024 (Mon) 11:09 Id: 8cc9b4 No.8200 del
I skimmed them and saw no problem. If you can use the technique is up to you, it's just a general description. Universes are microcosmic so you are diving inside matter which is mostly safe. The only thing that can happen is that you get thrown out again. None of this changes reality, you're basically just mind diving into probabilities. This is what mainstream Buddhism does also, harmless, mostly useless.

Karma moves on the galactic plane (macro-cosm) so it isn't touched when you go into the micro-cosm. When you come back again, you will find yourself back dealing with the exact same problems as before, universe diving just delays or halts karmic processes. Stay too long and your body will die, which creates other problems for you on return, but the diving itself isn't causing this.