Sunflower 07/11/2024 (Thu) 12:34 Id: 11cf7b No.8247 del
This follows on the topic of planetary creation:
>you can become your own planetary deity of the Earth, creating your own separate parallel planet which only interacts with the public Earth on your own terms, then stay in it
which the yokais approve of.

The logic is simple: yokais and asian gods are numerous, they and their followers are likely to end up fighting now and then. If everyone creates parallel Earths and stay in there, this minimizes the risk of conflicts. The main Earth will then serve as a contact point or as a reference rather than being directly lived on by most advanced esotericists, who will rather use it as a server, living in and updating their own local installment periodically rather than being constantly in the same sphere. The functioning of dimensions and timelines are already a mess compared to the simplistic unified view of humans, so there is technically no real difference. Instead of having a single planet with many parallel timeline progressions which are linked at convergence points, there will just be outsourced timelines in parallel planetary spheres which are synchronized at convergence points.