Sunflower 07/24/2024 (Wed) 21:15 Id: 3d1764 No.8365 del
>Remember when I mentioned the "Bosnian Pyramids"?
Bringing this to general discussion instead.

I went there, entered with Astra, but was instantly attacked by a machine gunner in a tunnel. Astra can handle this but no need to push it because her manifestations are many and not streamlined for these things, so I sent the 1800s style military Raid team instead to fight their way inside. Gatling guns cleared the way.

I synced with the structure and a strong sun energy was formed. Inside the main hall, which was reached after passing straight ahead along a tunnel with one 4 way crossing, was a large group of people in brown cloaks. They attacked with knives when they saw Raid so she killed them, also with the Gatling gun. Loot was just their knives which looked old, a grimoire which was so old it was falling apart, a gold watch and masonic looking membership rings worn by the cloaked people. I told Raid to burn the bodies and this lead to a manifestation, some kind of entity appeared, descending over an altar in the far end of the hall. The being asked what I wanted so I made a genera request for physical safety while on my spiritual path. I got the reply that that sacrifice was accepted and I would get my wish. I was told to place a hand on a sigil on the altar and channel energy into it, after which there was an energy transformation.

The entity left again, I took the loot back to one of my ships. Can share a copy of the grimoire astrally if there is interest.