Sunflower 07/24/2024 (Wed) 22:29 Id: 5f28e8 No.8376 del
felt a "tick" on my forehead before refreshing the site.
great these are initiations into the "infinite layers of reality". They generate purplish rainbow colors by default. And they must be not "read" you must place your hand upon 1 and let the information "flow" into you and the next 2 is only possible once you integrated the truth of the first one. As I touch it I assume the form of some priest in a specific robe with a staff on his back while making subconscious groans while reading it.
<I am the light I am the truth but I do not originate nor I do understand it. The way forward does not come from within but without. The strength of nations falls to the strength of the world? erosion? (it's like entropy but a different force altogether). This force cannot be tamed nor cured. It must be understood by the lesser senses. But what are these lesser senses neoliphyte??? (they use some variation of the neophyte which considers you "accepted" enough but still ignorant in the ways) These truths cannot be granted nor they can be found. But how do we find them then. We do that by accepting them. How do we accept something that we don't know how to find. By stopping to look for them. We are the world so is the world us. We cannot fear us nor the world. But if we cannot do that then what can we do? We can continue to be ourselves but not the same as we were so far. We don't know our truth nor anyone will know it either. Should we resign to this or act forward.
<If you think acting forward is the choice read further if you are brave enough to resign open the other book...
Yeah k I will read this later. I had to keep my mind real silent to not "Interject" because I know these kind of things but not this "flavor" and there is something that bothers me.
>seems this is the angel path as compared to the vampire path
Yeah it's possible. But these are "planetary angels" and not the "heavenly" or I have no idea how to call them.
I will stop. I can feel their energy trying to explain what they are in detail. Boy they know how to spot the curious ones with potential don't they.