Sunflower 07/24/2024 (Wed) 22:57 Id: 5f28e8 No.8379 del
I am making a quite blatant summary. This is "pocket dimension magic" where you either go through the "mirages" and decide if you want to be "trapped by one" that feels like a "forever" until you perish without anyone noticing or caring or become a cultist in a way you will be taken care "till the end" by these forces or you overcome all the mirages the egregore considers you a "cool guy" and grants you some immediate power over reality that you can use if you "respect the ways" of sorts.
I can sense the mirages will trap me in mindless dimensions where I have to unfuck some weird mysteries and my lower desires. If you have an "angelic intuition" it's EZ otherwise good fucking luck with it. Oh and the third book is... a diary... of the 200 people who passed and their wisdom for those who are "worth it" (and only those are worth it who passed it in some way so the books appears invisible until it likes you enough)

Can you read them in a more "normal way"?