Sunflower 07/24/2024 (Wed) 23:13 Id: 3d1764 No.8380 del
I had an idea for the past few days to get into the Greater Keys of Solomon properly, just skimmed them now and realized that specifics aside, almost all of it is about about dealing with the karmic entanglements to the planets so that one can practice some basic magic without being weighted down by it.

I had Demon Explorer go through all procedures while in the small pyramid and then pass the energy form to me, and I then activated it with the priestess as a foundation. I gave her the grimoires and she just started reading them like nothing had happened, sitting on the bed like a "Lord of the Rings" fan with all the books spread out around her.

There is no thought in the Greater Keys, it's all mechanical so perfect for a servitor like this.

I do have a natural ability to talk with angels, have had since I was little. I was told by djinn that I have the angel mindwave as a persistent form which makes it super easy for angels to enter my mind, I channel them when not thinking about anything, so they take the opportunity to speak through me or to me, or just making me advocate angel stuff. If something bad happened they will probably protect me too, they don't care about me being demon race. They just now said that pleiadan silver race is just an esoteric form of demon, basically
"Orcs are green in skin colour and ugly hivemind beings, when gaining souls they turn less ugly. Then they can practice primitive magic and evolve. They can become the black female voodo space traveller, they can become the white male demon lord, those are the two main paths. The demon lord will create the small white female, the white demon female. From her will evolve all other demons. But if she makes a leap into the sky (astral) she will become silver race. So the black female is golden race on the right side, and the white female is silver race on the left side, in the middle is the white male. This explains why demons have angelic wings, and why angels can also become vampires by evolving downward. This mirrors a previous standard where elves are "angelic" in nature, but can evolve downward via hell to become drow with lust for murder. In fantasy lore they say orcs were created from elves. This is not true in a strict sense, but not wrong in an evolution sense, rather, orcs simply reflect elves, and gave rise to many races in different directions. Goblins are in the bottom below them. So you can say that at first God made djinn, elves and skinwalkers, then he used the Earth (element) to create orcs from mud, which are the basic DNA which all other races are made from in the flesh. Get it?"