Sunflower 07/26/2024 (Fri) 11:15 Id: 3d1764 No.8403 del
(64.46 KB 508x484 japan reading.png)
Some weeks ago I noticed the egregore of Japan change drastically. Did anyone else notice this?

Pic related is what I see on the map now.

When I think of something, I always see its energy form internally in my mind, and this has been the case since forever. I just don't usually think about it much, it's just part of the concept of what it is. Japan had its image and form, which just had certain energies in no particular order on the national scale.

What's there now makes it look like it was completely washed through, it's united into a single megaform. This form syncs with the new human adaptive yokai queen for the tall asian with big tits. It's dominating the energy form now.