Sunflower 07/26/2024 (Fri) 16:39 Id: 6ffd8c No.8406 del

Use the spoilered word above to connect to the now running session.

This is a major circle for burning the last of the old earth karmic constructs still floating in various spaces, so that everyone who has a claim on them can get their share. It will run as long as is necessary to transform the structures into useful energy which has been then returned to its owner.

Taking part actively will increase the transformative effects, making it easier for you to instantly within the circle create gong particles and even immortal sun objects.

The circle is making use of the angel system of 5 pyramids on the Earth surface layer (bosnian pyramid, svalbard pyramid, brazilian pyramid, ural pyramid, central asia pyramid).
Around this is placed a drow magic circle for stability and transformative ability, and to that is added a large external circle based on voodo.

This serves to connect us properly to the European/west system egregore which at its foundation is voodo based, angels are very ethereal so there needs to be a middle layer, the choice of drow is just because it's me doing it and it works.