Sunflower 07/26/2024 (Fri) 22:11 Id: b9a766 No.8413 del
And Trump will probably lose the election because he's dead set on starting war with Iran because Natanyahu told him to. There's an old contract which says no one is allowed to attack Iran or Yemen or they will be destroyed (and it will fail). Israel bombed Yemen a few days ago. Trump killed an Iranian general in his first term and look what happened to him.

This is over before it started.

JD Vance is now memed as the couch-fucker who searches for dolphin porn, and while this is just stupid, it's still a good enough meme for this reason. It's not some outrageous claim either, but just makes him look timidly bad, enough to upset the prudes.

(Recall what happened with Saddam Hussein who attacked Iran)