Sunflower 07/27/2024 (Sat) 21:42 Id: b9a766 No.8429 del
USA is spy infested to the max, so of course they need massive immigration and social mobility to hide them so they don't stand out. That's an aspect no one ever mentions. Yet from the stories told, US police are very extreme about this stuff still, harassing people for walking in their own neighbourhood and questioning if they even live where they've lived all their lives, because "walking is suspicious" and other nonsense. This can't come from anything but the constant faction wars between various spy organizations. But they can't tell people this.

As long as there are 20+ glowie orgs in every town with representation down to street level and in every branch of the armed forces, the race-mixing mess and immigration will not go away. It's essential for their operation.

Same for retarded laws about "digital crimes", they have to pretend they are fighting crime and not just spying on each other and the population. So they need people to be neurotic about nonsense laws they may have broken, this makes people self censor, focus on themselves, and not on the fact that most of the police and agent activity is highly suspicious in itself.