Sunflower 08/04/2024 (Sun) 20:26 Id: 975c6f No.8559 del
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Yeah I know that but
>we want them to not produce shit quality copies of everything and sell it with what is close to fraud
I had a professor who lived in China for several years while working with a Chinese university. He said there are the cheap copies that people like to import because they grant the best profit margins and the "original copies" which are almost perfect replica but would cause instant copyright problems once on the west. This is why chinks were on hellbent attaining western businesses like Volvo so they can make their stuff "legal" and marketable here.
>and not ruin the environment, kill workers with dangerous machinery with no safety and 16 h workday
Yeah that would be nice. I thought you want them to be able to produce more and not to attain sensibility. The main problem is that ofc they are hellbent on "outproducing the west" because this is all a race to the top for them without realizing they are racing to the bottom since the start.
>it seems more likely we soon get Chinese factories in Europe because they'll build here to avoid import tolls
My country already has them. They are still being built and not yet operational but they are mostly used for "diplomatic leverage" because the west is hellbent on the current NWO selfdestroying weimar speedrun so it's an >implication from our leadership if they pull the
>you don't like gaytrannie niggers and infinite migrants with 0 papers and accountability in your country? lol get sanctioned fuckerz
Then we just do a
>k then we become a chinese export superpower in the heart of Europe lolle
It causes so much seething because the EU finally started to block Chinese acquisitions in Europe but whichever country accepts that will just tie a nose around their neck and must support every EU agenda no matter what. It's a ridiculous political maneuvering game because the EU is doing everything to sabotage all the members of this FUCKING TRADE UNION while acting like it's some satanic groupthink covenant where everyone must sacrifice themselves for a selected number of monopolies with virtue signaling just how retarded we are... Cutting us from the Russian economy then flooding us with Ukraine imports because they are unable to sell everything to the Chinese as they always did is not just ridiculous but goes against all the principles the EU is supposed to stand on. I know this whole charade is collapsing and this process is "necessary" so the rats show themselves once they think the "ship is sinking" but srsly... so annoying. The west was supposed to be the land of the "common sense" and only backwards commies suffered from this level of ignorance delusion and groupthink but guess it's contagious like the common cold.
>Then suddenly people will have to work with Chinese factory standards because no matter the laws
Yeah wonder how well we will implement these.
>they don't care and politicians won't be able to put pressure on them because no one else is creating jobs.
It's funny. In my country thx to the anti migration policies we have we are in an extreme worker shortage crisis. Which means larger corps can only work via importing slave labor from SEA and other Asian countries. But they get kicked out once their work permit expires so they cannot pull the usual

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