Sunflower 08/11/2024 (Sun) 22:28 Id: 166c91 No.8620 del
>Everyone knows FBI and others monitor boards like /x/
I'd say this

proves it.

After I was accepted into a closed reddit group for Falun Gong quitters and learned of the levels of degeneration in the NY group, I decided to start posting about it on /x/ to draw attention to it, because they are seriously doing a lot of harm with the negative energy they are creating and spreading via their medias, which were created based on thinking which is directly against the principles laid out in the main book Zhuan Falun (channelled knowingly or unknowlingly by the founder in 1992).

They so far didn't mention the "labour camp" known as "the mountain" in upstate NY, but they are surely under investigation, and New York Times are said to be working on an article to expose their activities.