Sunflower 08/24/2024 (Sat) 21:33 Id: 166c91 No.8756 del
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(57.12 KB 800x550 shoebill.png)
(86.99 KB 673x672 tanya2m.jpg)
(44.47 KB 180x181 beato_laugh.png)
>Why not add the rest that are there?
Adding a single wrong emote/flag can mess up the egregoral connection between the board and the temple. I felt it out now to make sure I didn't add something that is unique to /fringe/ or the past middle-boards. /haven/ should remain as-is because Alissa needs some place even if it's not used. Original /haven/ on the webring turned very bad energy wise, it was turning into a legit destructive cult there, so it had to be destroyed. Not all things on there should be on sunflower. I'd add some original emotes from the discord if I had the time and energy to mess around with image editing more. But I think these here are ok and in style.

Although some of them could work, not all of them would, because they're emotes for reaction more than identities.