Sunflower 02/19/2022 (Sat) 23:38:11 Id: 972fd5 No.880 del
Then I went back and took all the energy "destiny" had for me and sent the remaining to whoever I borrowed from and went to the new realm.
There was a fat buddha sitting there and when he noticed me he instantly grabbed a dagger and stabbed someone behind me. He was a "saint". A zombie that looked like those old unkept paintings in catholic churches while having a yellow artificial halo. Looked similar to the black sun but it wasn't the sun just the way the shapes looked. Interesting but unimportant. The realm was a large forest with water and when I asked the buddha where to go he showed me the way but I noticed I am going in circles. I stopped because I figured out here comes the "realization" part. I started to ask the fat buddha.
>is the power in the "saint"
>no. ignore him
>is the power in you
>is the power in me
>you represent my body huh
>I am not in this of a bad shape you know...
>yes but otherwise you wouldn't have figured this out...
Then he turned into a muscular more fit version. Then opened a gate above me and told me I need to "grow" into that. That is the mind.
>should I start doing that?
>I recommend a minimal amount of yoga

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