Sunflower 09/19/2024 (Thu) 23:43 Id: 7be093 No.9069 del
Thanks for sharing, unfortunately he falls into the same pattern after 10 min into the video; he's just downloading a ready made dataset for digit recognition and using a ready made network builder. Then he copies it into minecraft. He's not creating it on his own at all.

This perfectly illustrates what I mean in my post above. It's also a dumbed down explanation of why and how the neural network functions, that doesn't actually explain how it functions in direct terms. Obviously because he isn't creating it from scratch, he's using an already trained dataset with a network builder created by someone else, so he just calls a library and lets it do the work. The rest is just fine tuning in Python and being a minecraft nerd. The result looks impressive, but he's not doing most of the work himself aside from the minecraft building.