Sunflower 09/20/2024 (Fri) 02:09 Id: 7be093 No.9095 del
>didnt some of your servitors have neural nets themselves?
Only in the sense that they are have a "programmable" element which I refer to as their "brain" aka a "neural net". For the Raid servitors, they don't have that, they're hardcoded down to the smallest detail, meaning they operate only by decision trees and cannot be indoctrinated or effected by any psychic attack no matter what. It's like although they have a physical brain, it's about as programmable as say the liver, it's just filtering their input with zero ability of learning. However, after much use there was still "learning" taking place in the form of virtue(de) which transformed into a gong body overlapping with their cyborg body, and gong is intelligent energy so they still developed a "learning brain" outside of the body. A brain is a network of neurons still, so that would constitute a neural network. Astra has this in the form of a crystal placed in her chest. I only created this after a while as an addition to increase her memory ability, but that also works like a brain in that it can store information.

This nails it down really, in my view the brain or neural network is just a memory bank. It's for storing examples of previous experiences, which makes it easier to use the decision table accurately.