Sunflower 02/24/2022 (Thu) 00:03:51 Id: 856568 No.914 del
I played with the idea today. now I understand it conceptually. If you carve into "anti-existence" you make "existence". Like how a negativexnegative makes a positive. Even went there and carved into it. My guide told me it lasts as long as you don't "uncarve" yourself. Which means if you reverse the way and the force you carved yourself into it. You can change your form. It had an effect on my body too. Needs more experimenting but yeah it does something.

The concept of splitting things into existence and "anti-existence" like anti-matter is interesting. I didn't jump into this thing further yet.

>coming out of trance without entering trance. If being human is to be asleep, this should work.
Can you elaborate on this?
Because to me "waking up" from the "flesh" means letting all the spirit leaving the body. But that is not the point. Life on earth happened because spirit somehow or some reason entered the material plane and things started to form around the energy (this is my current understanding). To me waking up from this world means that there are no more reasons to let the spirit attach to the body. Which can be the obv death. The other complete disconnection. Which is also death but now it's because of your complete will and not because the body stops functioning. Same thing but still different. Or also disconnecting but using an another "soul" to inhabit it till you are "away" so when you want you can return. I don't like these ideas yet because I aim to have my spirit have complete control over the body. And by that i mean the going to astral and "manifesting" at will full physical. I always thought of my body as the anchor of my consciousness. But you can either cut the chain and let the anchor stay wherever. Or you lift it up with the ship when you sail away. So many detail needs to be figured out.