Sunflower 03/01/2022 (Tue) 23:02:17 Id: bc26b8 No.963 del
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All of this is a compound of different factions, where many are controlled from the astral and by aliens. Someone claimed the vaxx, aside from connecting everyone to spread out the karma of the elites, was also to connected people into a system using alien tech. The point of this being to create a hivemind for an amoeba type alien race. I actually connected with them when looking into this. I think it may be the missing piece.
The story was that the reason for China tier control via mobile phones and surveillance was that elites wanted to avoid getting included in the hivemind by providing a control system for these aliens. But of course they wouldn't accept that, it was a stupid idea from someone who's completely powerless vs a new invader.
But... there was a vid from someone channelling the galactic federation where they talk about amoeba aliens. My greys said those are irrelevant and only talked of to divert attention away from the real issues. Which actually seems to be true, since why are the elites this weak to begin with? Because of their horrible karma. I had no issue with the amoebas, they were fine talking to and they accepted the deal I offered them with no problem (but then in my ancient Greek life I kinda ended up being something which I referred to as an astral amoeba so maybe it's a communicative issue of not understanding them).
Either way I don't think those are the bit problem for us. It's the elites and their idiotic culture.

As long as we don't accept their karma we can defend ourselves. There was the Word of the Forgotten vampire group and the Anti-christ group, both astral aliens, as well as the galfed, mantis reptilians and regular earth native reptilians, all involved, as well as werewolves. A real mess. Everyone with their own agenda.