Sunflower 03/04/2022 (Fri) 00:21:10 Id: bc26b8 No.993 del
The anti-christ is an organization, not a person. There is a method called
>destroying karma with karma
where bad things are destroyed by amassing other bad things to create an internal "trap". Stupid people who constantly create karma and escape the effects will walk into the trap thinking
>the other side is just as bad, we can beat them
But they can't, because karma follows laws of gravity. Just because your skeleton is made from minerals, it doesn't mean you can easily crush rocks. But if you think like them you only see that your opponent has huge flaws and weaknesses, and you miss the fact of how they are arranged.
If you look at the karma which is destroying karma, you may see it as evil, while thinking the side being suppressed is then good. But both are bad, there is no difference at all. It's just that one side is being destroyed and the other isn't, for now.
So it's possible to think the greater evil is the anti-christ, but they just arranged it, they aren't it.