Anonymous 09/05/2019 (Thu) 04:16:00 No.2 del
Hey wow, I can post without cookies behind links browser behind tor. This is a great chan. I use links and xlinks chained to tor for browsing, proxychains and youtube-dl for downloading videos from youtube. mpv for playback. On an arch linux distribution. Proxychains is great because after tor exit you can add on more anonymous socks5 proxies to the chain to make your entrance more obscure.


On arch-linux
su pacman -S tor torsocks proxychains youtube-dl links
to chain more proxies edit the file /etc/proxychains.conf and go to the bottom of the file. you can add more socks5 proxies following the same pattern as given for tor.

What are some good fresh proxy sites? Here is one I found from message boards:

does anyone have any other good fresh proxy list sites?



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