anonymous 07/11/2017 (Tue) 19:36:43 No. 639 del
At first I was excited and intrigued about how they would do SAO with TG. Many hentai had made jokes about leveling up your sexual powers or with succubus role playing back when subverting the tropes wasn't stale yet

Then came the deluge of isekai stories, and it became apparent that most stories set with videogame dynamics had even less imagination than stories set within a dungeons and dragons fantasy framework.

The one I've enjoyed most so far was, "I'm a spider" but there's no significant tg and I lost interest once it went from a monster reincarnation survival story to a heroic story. If you have any recommendations that don't suck, I'm all ears, but I can usually tell from reading the premise when it is uninspired and therefore won't hold my interest.