anonymous 01/04/2018 (Thu) 01:45:33 No.972 del
(276.26 KB 640x480 id death ending (1).png)
(266.39 KB 640x480 id death ending (2).png)
(264.83 KB 640x480 keep your memories.png)
I have found 3 endings (on normal mode):

You eat the feminizing food > Go to bed > Wake up as a girl having forgotten who you are

You don't eat the food > You answer "no" before going to bed > You write down the name of your friend

> Wake up as a girl, and the other guy keeps his name and wakes you up (he must be your sibling.) When you ask him about your gender, he says you're a girl right?

You don't eat the food > You go to bed right away > You wake up as the other guy, still stuck as Alice in the dream world prison

(Btw there's a note on the table that implies a girl named alice ate some medicine that made her start thinking she was a boy even though she was originally a girl. What's that about?)