Anonymous 12/30/2022 (Fri) 16:50 No.5529 del
* started versioning. assuming first upload was 1.0.0, the one after that 1.1.0 then this is 1.1.1
* fixed(hopefully) a bug where it would get perma stuck on api call (it might be a linux only thing)
* added an example of -f in -h
* added a python version check and meaningful output if the version is too old
* added a "best effort" cookie validity check. has potential for many false positives but all it does is log a warning
* -rt is now 5 by default (was 0). doesn't make sense to disable it, but you can if you want to for whatever reason
* added .flv url in log line when a new live is detected
* added -t/--trace for very verbose logging
* added -q/--quality flag if anybody wants lower quality streams for whatever reason

Also i need a better name for this. I was thinking of "livemer" or "livempy" but this has little in common with awemer.

I will work on tests now before I add any major changes since regression is a thing.