Bear 06/13/2023 (Tue) 02:49 No.1011 del
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Here's a recipe for my favorite smoothie:

Add one single serving yogurt (with fruit not that gay plain shit, and no goat yogurt you heathen mongoloid) to a blender.

Peal a small chunk of ginger and turmeric root. Throw that in and don't question it, trust a Bear ffs.

One raw egg goes in, no shell obv. Stop worrying, 1 in 10,000 eggs will kill you, this one won't. I mean look and smell it first unless you're just dumb.

One peeled banana, do I have to say peeled? 24% of Americans are retarded so forgive me if you're not.

Small handful of frozen mixed berries, get that in there. You do have a freezer right? Idk what they cram in those tint euro apartments.

Small amount of powdered green tea and gensing tea. Yes, yes, do it.

Grind that all together to a smooth consistency. It's prolly gunna be loud.

Pour into your favorite cup? Glass? I use a mug because it's slightly more than a large glass.

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