Alice 06/13/2023 (Tue) 14:36 No.1016 del
Based and smoothiepilled!
Our typical breakfast consists of a blended mixture of:
>500g yoghurt, 1% fat
>teaspoon of linseed oil
>handful of linseeds, sunflower seeds or pumpkin seeds
>a few ground almonds or walnuts
>fruits we have at hand from the garden like an apple, pear, peach, apricots, grapes or berries. Blueberries with a banana and a bit of ground vanilla pod is bretty gud.

Must say we never used eggs so far, I actually dunno why. Host never had a single problem with raw eggs in his life and he's very much used to eating questionable stuff past the expiration date. Same goes for adding tea, ginger or tumeric. Sounds like a good idea. We'll try and report, or rather won't if we die from Bear advice.

This breakfast also usually lasts us until dinner. It would easily last for a day as well but host is already underweight and needs to get beefed up instead of losing weitht which leads us to

Also based and fitpilled. Share workout routine to make all of us here feel even more potato.

I'm now torturing host with HIIT by running uphill but starting slowly. Won't do much for looks but that's not the point here.