Bear 06/14/2023 (Wed) 20:57 No.1029 del

Don't buy an Apple ffs. Just say no.

I got a s22+, it's ok, works as advertised, never an issue.

All my friends have apple and they're constantly having issues and need to buy a new phone every other year because Apple.

My friend just got a new one, old one 2 years old battery issue, this one brand new battery issue, won't vibrate, menus are messed up.

Apple sucks and I can't express this harshly enough. Apple fan boys are fucking mongoloid donkey raping shit eaters!

You like shit and yiffing with farm animals? Get an Apple.

Anything samsung is great but if you get an old one, check the thickness for battery swelling because don't store it with the battery at zero or it will self-destruct in 6 months.

Apple will eat your cat and fuck your girlfriend, you cuck. Jesus... I call up Verizon to switch the phone and the lady talks my ear off about how her Apple has problems and everyone calling has Apple. Awful.