Stuff you remember doing as a kid but now it's like wtf? Bear 06/15/2023 (Thu) 12:12 No.1039 del
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This could be things you did or what was done to you or what you were forced to do.

1. I and all my denmates in camp were forced to strip nude and stand in line for showers, we were 10, all boys ofc. Later we found out the other dens didn't have to do that and the guy was arrested for having inappropriate sexual contact with an underage male staffer.

2. Again we were forced in Jr. High to take showers after PE while the coach watched. And we heard he would "check in" on the girls too. We also knew it was going to happen when we were still in grade school because the older kids told us these stories and we didn't believe them.

3. The coach told the girls not to wear bras during PE.

4. The "medical examiner" who was supposed to be checking scoliosis, which isn't fucking required nor necessary as there's no treatment or cure anyway, forced everyone to strip to their underwear for the exam and made us turn around basically getting a free topless show. One girl at least said she got felt up during the exam.

Gotta love American public school. This was in the affluent neighborhood where I grew up poor.

Odd, they don't do this shit anymore.