Yakumo 06/15/2023 (Thu) 22:11 No.1046 del
>inb4 another pedo thread
You asked for it

Things I did as a kid that I considered normal but are now WTF
>being in a 100% white German catholic environment without any foreigners
>never having seen a nigger irl
>drawing swastikas in kindergarten
>showing Hitler salute to greet friends in public
>making fun of women, homos, other nationalities, midgets, fatsos
>not knowing trannies or leftists even existed
>dressing up as nigger with blackface, chink with false teeth and slanted eyes, jew with fake nose or Hitler with moustache at Karnival for the lulz
>wanting to fuck females of all ages since kindergarten
>wanting to fuck little girls
>setting stuff on fire
>making explosives from household ingredients with dad and blowing up small stuff for fun
>shooting with a crossbow in the garden

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