Yakumo 06/20/2023 (Tue) 21:13 No.1104 del
Did you go to jail?

Another utterly pointless dream, I really want to know where the brain gets such ideas.
I was making a wood golem for a neighborhood boy. Why? Beats me, I don't relly know the kid and certainly don't like him, makes a lot of noise. So I was cobbling all sorts of wooden junk together on a playground to form a vaguely humanoid figure. Man-sized. Which of course did nothing because it was just trash. However I was convinced I just had to add a little more to make it come alive. But nothing worked out the way it should and the golem fell apart quicker than I could attach stuff with my dysfunctional dream tools. Stressful and idiotic, no girls, no tupper.
0/10 dream