Bear 06/23/2023 (Fri) 19:42 No.1148 del

>why was this company even allowed to commercially operate this sub with tourists on board though it wasn't certified for it?

Did you read your own picture? U.S. can't stop someone from doing anything in international waters.

Look up what billionares do in international waters. You know it's a real pain in the ass having to bribe and silence local officials every stinking time people come up missing. In international waters, dead men tell no tales.

Let me reiterate, the billionaire owns you. You don't know it until your forced cooperation. When you hear, "we can do this the easy way, or we can do this the hard way." You might as well go along with it. Which is why you don't deal with billionaires. With billionaires, you're here ar their grace, and if you want to continue to live, be entertaining.

In the entertainment industry, and I've had a taste a while back, whether you know it or not, you are *owned*. Models are *owned*, actors/actresses are *owned*.

So, international water just lets them do things more cheaply and with less opposition by those who don't understand they were not "invited" that's just the polite and easy way. Once they want you, it was always going to happen.

Laws are for simps and pussies anyway. I've seen some things done on private property that would be considered war crimes if it was done during wartime. You want to whistleblow? Yeah, no one's going to protect you.

Believe it.

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