Anonymous 07/05/2023 (Wed) 20:29 No.1325 del
You remind me more of Melian and Mistgod now. Did you ever see their giant tulpa book? 2/3rds of it was just a through listing of every fetish scenario and sex dream they had, in full detail. They viewed it like holodeck programs.

Is all of tulpamancy so.... masturbatory? There's the whole, "Higher planes of thinking, spiritual healing, unlocked potential, my mind is healed and open" aspect but I guess I have cooties- it all feels a bit trite when I know the background is "I get to plow her guts out and sow my oats, best sex 10/10 endless fantasy harem sex."

What's the difference between a spiritual healer and the buzz from sex? Can someone who provides the latter provide the former? Are tulpas actually deep, or just their vajayjay? Do hypersex essence girlfriend make up for bad mommy? Asking for a friend.

Ever seen Chobits? I saw the anime when I was young. I wanted to buy the manga but to my shock it was plastic-wrapped to prevent it from being viewed, and 21+. I was prepubescent and a LOT of it went over my head.